1) Heavy dinner
Heavy dinner constitutes to a large portion of food, food that is very high in carbs, protein, fried content, etc. Heavy dinner requires more time to digest it properly, so heavy dinner before the bedtime remains undigested and accumulates “Ama” (Metabolic toxins) in our body.
According to Ayurveda, “Ama” is the main causative factors of multiple disorders. Late heavy meal also leads to improper sleep as well as gut issues such as IBS, constipation, reflux disorders, bloating, etc.
It is best to have your dinner three hours prior to your bedtime. Our metabolism tends to diminish after sunset, so it is highly advised to consume warm, light and nourishing meal instead of a heavy dinner.
2) Alcohol
Sleep is a body’s natural repairing and rejuvenating mechanism. Normal sleep cycle is mainly divided into two stages: i) NREM (Non Rapid Eye Movement) and ii) REM (Rapid Eye Movement). Good quality sleep means right balance in NREM and REM stages.
Drinking alcohol before bed can suppress REM sleep during the first two cycles. Thus, the consumption of alcohol especially in excess has been linked to poor sleep quality and duration. You may not sleep very deeply for a long time after consuming alcohol although alcohol is sedative.
3) High intake of caffeine
Caffeine has a central nervous system stimulant property. When we consume caffeine, it blocks the adenosine, which is a sleep promoting chemical. As a result, it alerts brain and lead to difficulty in fall asleep. Researches have also shown that caffeine consumption interferes with the circadian rhythms. Avoid caffeine consumption before bed to go to sleep faster and deeper.
4) Exercise
Ideal time for exercise is in early morning. Moderate-intensity activity such as mild stretching, yoga, meditation may help you fall asleep faster and get better quality sleep.
Vigorous-intensity exercise such as jogging, jumping, weight lifting, etc., are not ideal before bed time as it alerts our brain and we feel more active & energetic.
5) Screen time
Electronic devices such as cell phone, television, tablets, computer screens emit blue light. Blue light might suppress or delay the natural production of melatonin levels, which is a hormone that produces the feelings of sleepiness. Thus, high screen time before bed delays the sleep. Research also suggests that high screen time leads to disturb and poor-quality sleep as it diminishes Rapid Eye Movement stage.
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